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C Programming Questions Set

1.      WAP to find out whether the input number is even or odd?

2.      WAP to accept any 3 numbers and print the largest number among them?

3.      WAP that checks whether the number entered by user is exactly divisible by 5 but not by 11?

4.      WAP that enter SP and CP and determine whether there is profit of loss?

5.      WAP to display the series up to 10th terms.   1       5              9          13 …….

6.      WAP to display the sum of “n” terms of even numbers?

7.      WAP to display the multiplication of “n” number?

8.      WAP to print the factorial of a given number?

9.      WAP to print the 10 positive integers and their factorials?

10.  WAP to check whether the input number is prime number or not?

11.  WAP to display the prime numbers from 1 to 100?

12.  WAP to display Fibonacci series i.e. 0   1    1     2    3    5  ………

13.  WAP to display 1 for Sunday, 2 for Monday etc.

14.  WAP to read a 4-digit number and display it in reverse order?

15.  WAP to display         1




12345   ?

16.  WAP to display         1




55555   ?

17. WAP to display         *




*****   ?

18. WAP to display         4321




19. WAP to display                     12345





20.  WAP to display                     55555





21. WAP to display                     *****





22. WAP to enter a string and check whether the entered string is palindrome or not? [A string is said to be palindrome if it remains same if we reverse it. Eg:- ADA,LIRIL,MALAYALAM,MADAM]

23. WAP to display the Armstrong number to ”n” numbers. [An Armstrong number is that whose sum of cube of digits is equal to number itself. Example:-371=33+73+13]

24.  WAP a menu driven program to perform the following task

a.      to find the factorial of a given number

b.      to find whether the input number is prime or not.

c.       to find whether the input number is odd or even.

d.      Multiplication table of input number

e.       exit

25. WAP to accept two numbers and performs Addition, subtraction, multiplication and                     division

26.   WAP to make a report card of exam?



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